A suitable case for replacement iPhone after having unfortunately destroyed its predecessor in a fit of hypoglycemic pique:
Yes, even exemplary well controlled diabetics can get angry when having an awfully bad hypo:
Are people with diabetes more prone to aggression? (thediabetescouncil.com).
This phenomenon is often referred to “hangry” (meaning feeling angry when you are hungry). If this irritable state can happen to any healthy person who experiences a change in their blood glucose level, imagine the ordeals individuals with diabetes frequently go through on a daily basis.
But with the “hangry” portmanteau unfortunately making it sound as if you are trashing something with pouted lower lip whilst rubbing your tum rather than, as is more the case, a missed or interrupted meal after insulin has been taken or where the coverage for the meal’s carbohydrates has been badly misjudged or an insulin dose has been accidentally taken twice.