Pick of the Week
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Here’s my grab-bag pick of the best illustration inspiring celebrity gossip, scandals, arts, entertainment, & just plain quirky stories & picture sexiness. A round-up for busy pervs. There’s pictures—reading optional.
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and am not sure her Grisogono will ever recover!
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Pick of the best stories & pics

Avril Lavigne raised much Mountain View in shiny short shorts and suspenders (cheekypopdivadigest
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Miley Cyrus Bangerzed on with much wacky crotch rubbing, ass wagging and sex toy cluthing as her tour reached Lyon (cheekypopdivadigest
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Bromley-born popstrel Pixie Lott kicked ’em off at Monaco’s Amber Lounge gala (cheekypopdivadigest
A treat for the feet fans—and not bad night for the Pixie thigh fans too!
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Paramore’s Hayley Williams gave “be nice” tummy for the American Idol XIII finale (cheekypopdivadigest
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Oops! Veteran Australian songstress Kylie Minogue gave upskirt performance in Cannes (celebrityoopsdigest
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Nicki Minaj was all overflowing cleavage at LIQUID Memorial Day bash (celebrityoopsdigest
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Rosie Huntington-Whiteley got her tatas out for summer & V (egotastic.com).
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Emma Watson graduated from Brown University (celebrity.uk.msn.com).
But seeminging with MSN’s portal headline, let alone that she struggled hard to untie herself from Fifty Shades of rumours, she still hasn’t graduated from Hogwarts!

You can catch Emma in gown and mortar on her big day here (emmawatsondaily.org).
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Model minx Cara Delevingne gave Sharon Stone tongue in the Grisogono in Cannes! (celebritytonguedigest
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.:: Top column 2 ::.

Arts, culture, tech. & funnies

Research suggests not paying artists is deeply entrenched in gallery culture (theguardian.com).
“… most people would be surprised that contemporary artists often ‘did not get a bean’ for taking part in shows at publicly funded galleries.”
While I have the greatest sympathy and sense of solidarity, at the end of the day it is worth bearing in mind that exhibition hosts are businesses after all, and will take what they can get as cheaply as they can get it. That “public art” is in the same realm as the unicorn is worth remembering too—hmm, why does that remind me of those “social” sites you are invited to pay to join that rely on content generated by those very sign ups.
So what is a “struggling artist” to do? What about “street art”, how does that anti-establishment rascal Banksy make ends meet? (Pick of the Week, 30th April).
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Clive James “saying goodbye” through his poetry (bbc.co.uk).
“As my friend PJ O’Rourke told me, ‘you’re going to have to soft pedal this death door stuff, Clive, because people are going to get impatient.’”
And missed he shall be. Clive James’ Fame in the 20th Century had a huge influence on me in both its tone and content. I wrote some rather terrible poetry for a while when complications through illness and family tragedy lent me a similar perspective and although no longer a huge fan of reading such, I did cast an eye over Clive’s a few years back when he first began his goodbye project and was incredibly moved. I can honestly say there is no impatience in me.

What we can be salvaged from “right to be forgotten” ruling (wired.co.uk).
“The original articles are still sitting in the newspaper’s archives. Pre-web, they would have stayed there and gathered dust. Post-web, the articles keep naggingly resurfacing whenever Mr Costeja is googled. What the CJEU has just done is to affirm a right to make Google ‘forget’ the existence of those articles.”
And those incessant “real name” policies are really going to make that better, aren’t they, with employers, spouses and anyone with a skewed sense of social responsibility being able to pick up on anything daft thing you posted as a teen after a night out at the Circus Tavern.
One year on, Google is refusing to comply with most “right to be forgotten” removal requests (independent.co.uk).
Probably because most have forgot they have a “right to be forgotten” if it was something they have a right to be forgotten about if they knew they had a right to have it forgotten about in the first place.
“That Google will strive not only to balance public interest and the right to privacy, but its own ethos of transparency with the legal minefield it has been presented with. But we have thus far not been presented with any such evidence that this is the road it will choose.”
Eeeewwww… why do I get the impression that “ethos of transparency” got misty in a targeted ad somewhere.
“Google said it would assess each request and balance ‘privacy rights of the individual with the public’s right to know and distribute information’.”
Blimey! Have you ever tried requesting changes from Google though? Those who have had to do so via Google Webmaster Tools are likely to shudder at the thought!
Bear in mind though, it’s to censor erroneous or outdated stories in the reputable—and not so reputable—press and records, not to make Maurice stop calling you a petty bourgeoisie class traitor on his blog.
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