Pick of the Week
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Here’s my grab-bag pick of the best illustration inspiring celebrity gossip, scandals, arts, entertainment, & just plain quirky stories & picture sexiness. A round-up for busy pervs. There’s pictures—reading optional.
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Pick of the best stories & pics

Those purportedly leaked cell phone pictures of Demi Lovato for sale finally start to arrive (celebrityoopsdigest
“Some leaked cell phone pictures with boyfriend Wilmer Valderrama and and bisexual Demi with an unnamed female have surfaced—including a topless one and an obscured nude….”
We can at least see Demi’s gone for the full Brazilian.

“The Daily Beast: Sorry, @ddlovato, but Wilmer Valderrama is using you to further his own “career” thebea.st/1qy5XPg”
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Lindsay Lohan wanted to be in Avengers: Age of Ultron (uk.movies.yahoo.com).
“Linday Lohan has admitted on her new reality TV show, that she was interested in a role in ‘Avengers: Age of Ulron’ [sic]… even though her agent was apparently unable to land her an interview. ”
Who was LiLo interested in joining the Marvel universe as?

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Oops! Victoria Justice slipped a nip at Nickelodeon’s 27th Annual Kids’ Choice Awards (celebrityoopsdigest
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Kendall Jenner Instagrammed her bikinied bottom on the family vacation to Thailand (celebrityoopsdigest
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Rita Ora gave a lotta tempting glitzy fashion cleavage (celebrityoopsdigest

And rampantly radioactive tongue heading out to eat (celebritytonguedigest
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Joanna “JoJo” Levesque gave Instagram tongue (celebritytonguedigest

And pictorial innuendo in Nikko La Mere photoshoot (celebrityoopsdigest

Miley Cyrus bangerzed her bottom at the Izod Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey (hotcelebshome.com)…

And at the Barclays Center in New York.
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Selena Gomez’s cute ass made even a silk jumpsuit quite acceptable (hawtcelebs.com).
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Amanda Bynes was in bikini poolside in Cabo San Lucas (hawtcelebs.com).
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A leaked nude snap purportedly of Danish model Nina Agdal surfaced (celebrityoopsdigest
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Maria Sharapova was candidly caught taking a peek down her bikini bottoms in Cancun, Mexico (celebrityoopsdigest
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Sad news.
Peaches Geldof found dead (independent.co.uk).
“A prolific user of social media, Ms Geldof had tweeted a picture of herself as a young child with her mother, who died from an accidental heroin overdose in 2000, at 10.17am on Sunday.”
.:: Top column 2 ::.

Arts, culture, tech. & funnies

Ukrainian election officials refuse to allow ‘Darth Vader’ to run for president (video.uk.msn.com).
“Vader, who is the First Deputy of the Internet Party of Ukraine protested against this outside the commission with a group of supporters.”
Well now that heavyweight boxer-turned-politician “Dr. Ironfist” Vitaly Klitschko is out for the count the only other choices seem to be the “Chocolate King” Petro Poroshenko, who’s suitability for candidacy seems to be that he’s already filthy rich and thus less likely to pocket anything left of the economy, and Yulia Tymoshenko, undigifiedly slapped with the soubriquet the “Gas Princess”.

Petro Poroshenko, the chocolate factory king dong who thinks he can save Ukraine (globalpost.com).
So Vader’s perhaps as good a choice as any. But what is the Internet Party of Ukraine and what do they stand for?
“Its slogan is ‘electronic government against bureaucracy’ and it wants to ‘create an electronic government in Ukraine’.”
Formed by the the alleged Ukrainian hacker, Dmytro Golubov, I gather all wages in future are to be delivered down the Silk Road in Bitcoin.
“Darth Vader [who] is running for a seat in the country’s parliament was turned away from a Kiev polling station Sunday for refusing to take off his mask to be identified.”

“My very first step will be the computerization of the entire state of Ukraine.”
And a better firewall to keep out Vladimir “I can wrestle a Gundark” Putin no doubt.

After bid for presidention election rejected by electorial comitte, The Internet Party of Ukraine’s Darth Vader, continues his electoral campaign as mayoral candidate.
Well, we have our own share of ridiculous candidates in the UK too. People used to lodge a protest vote voting Monster Raving Loony (wikipedia.org), pretty safe in the knowledge they’d never actually get in. I very much get the impression anything left of the budget may go down the Rendezvous Casino at the Kursaal in Southend-on-Sea once Nigel Farage downs his nineth after victory with his “people army” (news.uk.msn.com, May 2014).
Does anyone remember the jubilation when Russia elected its own “common man” (iconicphotos.wordpress.com) after the attempted Soviet coup in 1991?

Recent/related stories:

Facebook buying into virtual reality? Here’s what to expect from Oculus in the Facebook era (wired.co.uk).
“Facebook was very clear that this wasn’t an attempt to buy its way into the gaming space. Instead, it’s an attempt to bring the future of virtual reality closer to Facebook’s established social networking space.”
In other words grandma there will be able to touch up Facebook strangers friends in VR. MySpace Tom would not have approved.
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“Tie all of our products together, so we further lock customers into our ecosystem,” Jobs wrote in a bullet list of items he wanted to discuss at Apple’s 2011 Top 100 confab.
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Yahoo wants to take on YouTube with its own video site (recode.net).
“Google-owned YouTube hasn’t had a serious competitor for years. But Yahoo would like to try: The Web giant has been working on a plan to lure some of YouTube’s most popular stars and networks to show their stuff on the site”
Hmmm, as a “Web giant” Yahoo certainly shrunk, but buoyed by beating Google in comScore’s monthly ranking of top web properties last year (independent.co.uk, Aug. 2013)—although Google has recently tipped the scales again—Yahoo seems to feel tall enough to try and stare its grandiloquent foe—perhaps complacently used to looking down—in its increasing beady privacy spying-eye again, cetainly enough to axe Facebook and Google sign-ins from its services (uk.news.yahoo.com).
But can it work? As Google changed the game by having those hosting content chase ad revenue themself rather than tempting with free web space in return for displaying banner ads—the old model Yahoo bought as a lemon with Geocities all those years ago—has it chosen the right cudgel to fight with?
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Brendan Eich’s resignation as Mozilla CEO as messy as his appointment (cnet.com).
“Even those who believe Eich’s resignation is the appropriate solution to Mozilla’s problem of leadership and morality are struggling with its consequences. After Mozilla announced Eich’s resignation on Thursday, Twitter lit up with conflicted views from those who work the world of the Web.”
Accustomed to taking the moral high ground, the whole thing truly showed for mozzy you are damned if you do, damned if you don’t—and in the case of Twitter, damned simply to allow people to interact.
“The co-founder’s high-profile exit from the maker of Firefox wasn’t just about his gay marriage stance. Insiders describe a revered technologist with management issues—and a reluctant board.”
Those are certainly big shoes to fill and can Mozzy keep independently but standards socked feet in them?
“Eich brought passion to Mozilla’s work. He defended JavaScript against Google’s Dart and publicized Mozilla technology called asm.js that let JavaScript fend off Google’s other Web programming idea, Native Client … [and brought] a Mozilla-flavored dose of openness to a [mobile] market that’s characterized by closed ecosystems.”
Recent/related stories:

Heartbleed bug: don’t rush to update passwords, security experts warn (theguardian.com).
“Suggestions by Yahoo and the BBC that people should change their passwords at once—the typical reaction to a security breach—could make the problem worse if the web server hasn’t been updated to fix the flaw…”
In short, it’s a website server problem so there is little users can do about it until it is patched as, if it’s valunerable, you risk giving away your new password.
Update: Which sites have been patched, which passwords to change (cnet.com).
The Webcomic xkcd has a great graphic showing how the Heartbleed bug works (xkcd.com).
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