New website
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As you may know, my illustrations encompass several genres which are not always compatible (i.e. where pin-ups and nudity just won't do) so I am used to working under several different pseudonyms which are frequently as whimsical as my art.
This site has suited me for over a decade as in the past it allowed me to operate under whichever alias I was using for the art housed here, which although consistantly of an erotic theme has had to be toned down on occassion when working on various projects to which the site and illustration were (sometime foolishly) linked.
As I have used the alias Gladstone Tibbs now for many years for my adult illustration the thought of registering a site containing that alias has been a persistant if not pressing idea for some time. Within the last few days though the idea did become more pressing. I won't go into any boring details, but it's time for me to move hosting, and while I'm a it, I might as well go for a change in domain name.
New site
So, I have registered a new domain, with new hosting which will replace the current site. I aim to port everything over after the weekend. This should not take more than a few days to make sure everything is in order and shall then use a Google-friendly 301 redirect to redirect all traffic to the new site for six or so months until its hosting term is up.
Isn't that exciting now! I can positively see you jumping for joy.
It won't make much difference to most visitors as hopefully the redirect will soon replace one with the other in the search engine indexes, but you may wish to update your bookmark after the move and I would ask those lovely people linking to me to update the URL of the text link and banner if they use one. Thank you.
Anyone with outstanding or completed commissions should have already received a note about where to pick up the stored master-copies of their illustrations, but if you have not had such a note please get in touch.
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