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Poll: Celeb Suggestions July 2021

With pornified picks of pop culture now on hiatus (Latest Picks 6th Sept. 2020) and thankfully time beginning to be available again to sketch, the absence of those Picks perhaps makes the subject of as good a poll as any.

So, listed below are names that have either been suggested or lend themself due to either topical story, under-representation, conspicuous absence or just present impulse or state of being a recurrent muse—who would be your pick?

Charli XCX 11%
Shakira 9%
Taylor Swift 9%
Lilly Allen 9%
Selena Gomez 8%
Sarah Hyland 8%
Vanessa Hudgens 5%
Camila Cabello 5%
JoJo Levesque 5%
Dua Lipa 5%
Rita Ora 5%
Halsey 5%
Sammi Hanratty 4%
Kendall Jenner 3%
Bebe Rexha 3%
Bella Thorne 3%
Victoria Justice 3%

This poll has now been archived.

As always, apologies if your favourite is not on the list—if in touch, you could suggest for the next suggestions poll or perhaps even you may be so kind as to be a patron and commission (either for your own personal viewing only or with a watermark and a shoutout to a link you provide).

Tags: poll.


Illustrations, paintings, and cartoons featuring caricatured celebrities are intended purely as parody and fantasised depictions often relating to a particular news story, and often parodying said story and the media and pop cultural representation of said celebrity as much as anything else. Who am I really satirising? Read more.

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