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Elon Musk: Chance we are not living in a computer simulation is ‘one in billions’

3rd June 2016

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Elon Musk: Chance we are not living in a computer simulation is ‘one in billions’ (video,

Elon Musk
“Elon Musk has said that there is only a ‘one in billions’ chance that we’re not living in a computer simulation. Our lives are almost certainly being conducted within an artificial world powered by AI and highly-powered computers, like in The Matrix, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO suggested at a tech conference in California. … ‘The strongest argument for us probably being in a simulation I think is the following,’ he told the Code Conference. ‘40 years ago we had Pong—two rectangles and a dot. That’s where we were. Now 40 years later we have photorealistic, 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously and it’s getting better every year. And soon we’ll have virtual reality, we’ll have augmented reality. If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the games will become indistinguishable from reality, just indistinguishable.’”

That “philosophical concept” the questioner starts with actually being the now much derided since the culmination of the Enlightenment ontological doctrine of “Idealism” (Wikipedia), although historically usually involving more evil demon or brain in a jar ala Descartes and Bishop Berkeley than virtual reality simulation parodically (but erroneously) refuted by dictionary compiler Samuel Johnson’s kicking of a rock to “refute it thus” until, for many, the Wachowski Brothers’ The Matrix re-introduced the derided millennia old concept and question to a new generation and perhaps closer to the hypothesis being termed “simulated reality” (Wikipedia) which classes it as only different from the currently technologically achievable concept of virtual reality in that it“s easily distinguished from the experience of actuality”, which of course Mr Musk there is saying is either a gap that is closing fast or one that has been closed perhaps without our knowledge.

But however, Mr Musk’s conclusion if perhaps not his odds does seem flawed in that when asked by the questioner if then “someone beat us to it” and we are actually now playing in their virtual reality his reply was seemingly that “no, there is a one in billions chance that [the simulation] was the base reality” which seems to be a suggestion that all reality is, and always has been, a simulation, which seemingly negates the very premise he makes that it is the Moore’s law (Wikipedia) of technological advancement will soon make reality and simulation indistinguishable, which seems flawed if said “technological advancement”, even if it is slowed down a “thousand fold”, is—and always has been from the start—merely a part of said simulation; not so much a gap closed as one that we’ve never slipped out of. Indeed, now we are back to first causes, who created what and if creation needs a creator which is as equally an old philosophical and theological question.

Of course, what he could mean, or at least allude to is the current quantum physicist favourite that pleases them because it seemingly solves the conflict between Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity and quantum physics—which Al was certainly no fan of—that reality is, and always has been, actually a hologram, but in their view it has little to do with technology, advancement or otherwise, but rather that “data“ or information itself is never destroyed—you may have lost the memory stick, or it may have been crushed but those “bits” still have to go somewhere—resulting in the “black hole information paradox” (Wikipedia).

There is growing evidence that our universe is a giant hologram (, May 2015).

“Yes, it sounds more than a little insane. The 3D nature of our world is as fundamental to our sense of reality as the fact that time runs forward. And yet some researchers believe that contradictions between Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics might be reconciled if every three-dimensional object we know and cherish is a projection of tiny, subatomic bytes of information stored in a two-dimensional Flatland.”

Yes, as it is for Mr Musk, unfortunately the question is banned from hot-tub discussion here too, although unfortunately so, as unlike Mr Musk it never stops firing my creative rockets—and indeed giving them an almighty fantasy boost that seemingly many unfortunately lack—regardless, but perhaps aiding, whatever else is going on and indeed, does a marvellous job of helping filter out some more interested in updating their F’book status with what they just had for tea. And I’m damn well still trying to master and hack the API. Ohhh… and then we’ll play a real game. ;-p

It’s musical break time and, if “reality” really is simulated and immaterial, you can indeed make it what you want, or not, both equality seemingly imposible to falsify and a dream for some, a nightmare for others. Come play my game / Inhale, inhale, you’re the victim / Come play my game / Exhale, exhale, exhale

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6th June 2016

And if we are on the verge, or actually in but in a simulation more reminiscent of a naff version of SimCity than anything that goes on in Star Trek’s Holodeck, perhaps we can indentify the chaps and chapesses who bring it to life, with “pioneering the future of CGI” World of Warcraft movie out now.

Movie & Megastars, Warcraft: The Future of CGI

Movie & Megastars, Warcraft: The Future of CGI (BBC iPlayer).

“Radio 1’s Ali Plumb tells the story of how Industrial Light & Magic, the company that brought you Star Wars, Jurassic Park and The Avengers, created never-before-seen special effects for Warcraft: The Beginning and are pioneering even more mind-blowing CGI for the movies of the future.”
Info: Can I use BBC iPlayer outside the UK? (BBC iPlayer help).

Yep, and a wicked Blood Elf rogue (Latest Picks 17th Jul. 2015) as well as several dozen other characters and classes I am in some of my alt. life and, indeed, as with many I guess I’ve partied with Vin Diesel and/or Mila Kunis playing too (I could be simulating a fib there you know and, besides, most were really knocking one out for Jessica Alba on Chattroulette instead). For the Horde!

9th June 2016

It is, of course, for those theoretical physicists the dissappearance of information which still has to go somewhere that leads to their “black hole information paradox” but, in truth their hypothesis is as much to counter Brief History of Time’s Stephen Hawking’s initially “rubbish!” refusal to accept information is not destroyed in the “black hole war”, and the professor has a new information-preseving but still never coming back to reveal how the fuck to put that Ikea cabinet together hypothetical take to match there’s:

Black holes could be portals to a PARALLEL UNIVERSE, Prof Stephen Hawking reveals (

“Professor Hawking told an audience at Harvard University on Monday that black holes ‘aren’t the eternal prisons they were once thought’. He added: ‘Things can get out of a black hole, both from the outside and possibly through another universe.’ … Hawking no longer believes black holes swallow up the matter that gets sucked into them. Speaking in front of more than 1,000 students, he said: ‘It’s like burning an encyclopedia. The information is not lost, if you keep all the ashes. But it’s difficult to read.’”

And probably now being read by the Jem’Hadar in the Gamma Quadrant who are still scratching that ridge on their reptilian head trying to put it together too or perhaps, if other universe is game simulation too, a bit like paying for realm migration. Actually, I don’t really see why he needed to bring in the “possibly in another universe” bit though, other than that it suggests Disney’s 1979 The Black Hole was perhaps on Netflix and someone promised him a plush V.I.N.Cent robot for his one-upmanship.

A Thin Sheet of Reality: The Universe as a Hologram (GoogleTube).

“2011 World Science Festival panel discussion on the holographic principle.”

Catch from 8:10 to get a byte on the missing instructions one-upmanship of the dilemma.

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