Porn Star Pick: Yui Hatano
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Taiwan Metro Card with picture of porn star Yui Hatano sells out (

“TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP)—A special edition swipe card for Taiwan’s mass transit featuring the clothed image of a Japanese porn star sold out within hours overnight via a telephone hotline, despite a storm of opposition.
Taiwan’s EasyCard Corp. said on its website that it sold its full run of 15,000 card sets by 4:18 a.m. Tuesday after phone orders started at midnight.
The stored value cards—also used for convenience store purchases—feature images of Yui Hatano, a 27-year-old Japanese woman who local media say likes Taiwan and wants to help the card company’s charity donation scheme. Hatano, also popular in Japan, is pictured from the elbows up and clothed. A pose on the cards’ wrapper appears with the word ‘angels’ and another is accompanied by the word ‘demons.’”

Obviously reports of her demise in the dreadful 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami were greatly exaggerated, which they were for several high profile Japanese personalities—most regrettably for in excess of 15,000 much less well known they were not.
Born in the Kyoto Prefecture, Yui Hatano started in the industry in 2008 at 19, her porcelain complexion, russet locks and svelte but busty proportions soon gaining legions of avid fans in the bustling virtual-Geisha Japanese Adult Video(JAV), glamour and entertainment scene. A gaming fanatic, seemingly a prerequisite for asian youth, she loves all sorts of games from cards to RPG games, suggestively fitting with cultural obsessions with anime and cosplay.
Standing 5 foot 4 inches with a 35D cup and over 80 adult-feature performance credits, that makes 27-year-old Yui Hatano this weeks porn star pick.
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