Pick of the Week
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Here’s my grab-bag pick of the best illustration inspiring celebrity gossip, scandals, arts, entertainment, & just plain quirky stories & picture sexiness. A round-up for busy pervs. There’s pictures—reading optional.
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and is likely why fireside chats on the wireless is no longer good enough for grandpa!
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Pick of the best stories & pics

Kendall Jenner gifted sideboobage that “never hurt nobody” on Instagram (celebrityoopsdigest

And turned heads in a splendidly tight pair of black sequined cropped trousers at the 2014 Billboard Music Awards but fluffed her presenting slot—which I’m sure a lot would have volunteered to have done for her.
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Ashley Tisdale and Vanessa Hudgens gave bachelorette party bikini candids in Miami (celebrityoopsdigest

And Nessa gave a Coachella queens #FlashbackFriday “daisy” on Instagram.
Prompting the compelling decision of which “petal” would have been your last stop?
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Rihanna gave pink hair and pokies at LA Clippers playoff (celebrityoopsdigest
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Rita Ora gave fireside sideboob (celebrityoopsdigest

And tongue at KISS FM studios (celebritytonguedigest
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Nicole “Coco” Austin gave topless tittie at her Vanity Vixens Burlesque Show (egotastic.com).
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Miley Cyrus gave #dirtyhippie Instagram tongue (celebritytonguedigest
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Avril Lavigne gave gold bikini South American fan thanks on Instagram (cheekypopdivadigest

Which with having nearly lost her bikini bottoms last week in Cancun (Pick of the Week, 13th May) led on to a flashback feature of that most memorable 2003 MMVA crackshot—clips included (celebrityoopsdigest.blogspot.co.uk).
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French actress and Reality TV star Ayem Nour flashed lacy black panties arriving at the Cannes Film Festival (celebrityoopsdigest

Not to be outdone, French model and reality TV star Nabilla Benattia slipped a tittie!
Whay hey! What’s in store for the coup de grace el accidente wardrobe malfunction by the time the last of the cast of French Reality TV arrives?
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Kennedy Summers named Playboy’s 2014 Playmate of the Year (uk.eonline.com).
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.:: Top column 2 ::.

Arts, culture, tech. & funnies

Otto Dix’s first-hand visions of wars horror (theguardian.com).
“The prints gathered in Der Krieg (The War) are just part of the hideous outpouring of images he unleashed. It was as if Dix needed to vomit his memories in order to purge himself of all that haunted him.”
This was how the German Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) expressionist and war veteran Otto Dix looked back at the first world war on its 10th anniversary in 1924, just as we are doing in 2014, marking its 100th.

Otto Dix was a major influence for me in my own very humble development as an illustrator, although my own dabblings with oil expressionism are mercifully long forgot in favour of a Pickelhaube change of direction charge smack into the more whimsical world of pop culture caricature. Make of that what you will. :)
Trivia: Dix’s art was considered “degenerate” by the Nazis and were discovered among the 1500+ paintings hidden away by an art dealer and his son in 2012 (see related stories). During World War II, the aging Dix was conscripted into the Volkssturm—the last-stand German equivelent of Dad’s Army—and was taken prisoner by the French. An officer recognised him and found him a place in the camp’s artist’s colony.

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Amanda Vickery asks “why are there so few paintings by women in public galleries?” (theguardian.com).

“The disparities are startling. In 1989 the feminist Guerrilla Girls discovered that fewer than 5% of the modern works in the Metropolitan Museum in New York were by women, but 85% of the nudes were female.”
Indicative of underlying patriarchy or law of supply and demand? Is there a queue in waiting to see paintings of chaps with there bits out? Is there a similar but opposite disparity in modelling (jezebel.com)—or indeed in porn (wikipedia.org)—indicative that it really isn’t an art question but a social—and economic—one after all, as perhaps an economist may conclude:

“In the public domain, nudity is more often than not depicted in an overtly sexualised manner. It is, therefore, no surprise if men come to view women as sex objects….”
Concluding that “we will never eradicate the overtly sexualised images of women” and that they will “always be profitable to produce”.

Amanda Vickery journeys from Renaissance Italy to the Dutch Republic, digging in storerooms and basements to rescue some female artists from the shadows in the first episode of The Story of Women and Art on BBC iPlayer (bbc.co.uk/iplayer).
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Bing it on (again) (bingiton.com).
“For a second year, in blind tests, using the UK’s most popular web searches, most people picked Bing results rather than Google.”
You know, I so want that to be true, I really do. Not for any particular love for Microsoft or Bing but Google long since fell out of favour with me for its constant attempts to Plus me, but, as stated when I Binged it on last year, I fear Bing being true search competition is still more Bob (living in) Hope. Still, lets take the Road to… again.
Likely the “most popular web searches” mentioned in blind tests were what you told auntie you were searching for, so lets try a selection of more real world terms a celeb, porn and artistic stuffed monkey would tap in on any likely given day: Avril Lavigne ass crack, Cara Delevingne tongue, Rita Ora upskirt, Mel Ramos pop art, Photoshop pen tool practice.

Well I never! Far, far better than the big fat zero scored in October. Truthfully, as said last year, I do try to search as much as I can on Bing but keep that Toolbar search firmly placed to switch according to what I’m looking for.

Bing Images long since became my first choice for the advantages expressed last year, but it seems… yes, that would make a stuffed monkey happy.
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