Latina Pick of the Week
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Here’s my pick of the best sexy latina entertainment stories and pictures from the last seven days or so. So if you are a fan of Brazilian booty, Mexican tetas, Chicano chocha & everything else that is latina lovely, dip in!
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and lament that some beauty is best left unseen (telegraph.co.uk).
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Pick of the best stories & pics

Mexican actress and conductora María José Suárez ropa interior erótica for H para Hombres (famosasmexx.blogspot.com).
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Argentinean model Leonela Ahumada se desnuda for H para Hombres (egotastic.com).
Such a cute concha!
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South American to Italy TV hostess Belén Rodriguez gave photocall cleavage in Milan (egotastic.com).
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L.A. latina model Constance Nunes was cooling her pipes pumping 138 Water (egotastic.com).
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Brazilian model Ana Braga’s nalgas gave string theory in Miami (egotastic.com).
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Selena Gomez fired her parents (latingossip.com).
“Her mom and pops have managed her career since her Disney days, but that’s now over.”
I guess that spell in rehab they proscribed here did not sit well with her cute culo (Pick of the Week, 7th Feb.). What with that and “secret project” Instagrams we may hope that may up her nawtiness!

Here’s SelGo poking it at Coachella! (celebritytonguedigest.blogspot.co.uk).
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Catch snaps & stories for next month’s picks daily in latest picks.
Have a story for Pick of the Month?
If we are in touch I’d be very grateful if you’d send it along.
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