Latina pick of the week
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Here's my pick of last weeks best sexy latina entertainment stories and pictures. So if you are a fan of Brazilian booty, Mexican tetas, & everything else that is latina lovely, dip in!
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and are as inflated as this one-upmanship on Scaramanga.
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This weeks stories & pics

Sofia Vergara's boob got exposed in New Year's Eve Miami nightclub fight! (tmz.com).
"Sofia jumped in to try to break up the fight, got bumped to the ground … and that's when her gown—which was already holding on for dear life—released its precious cargo."
Many sites have posted the censored version of the blurry picture of Sofia's exposed guanabana, but sadly no uncensored one as yet.
Here's Sofia preparing to ring in the New Year at Delano South Beach in Miami Beach earlier that night (hotcelebshome.com).
Related story:

Cubana-Venezuelan melodrama hottie Génesis Rodríguez muy caliente y sextastica in January's GQ (egotastic.com).

Marianne Ranieri, Caroline Redivo e Andressa Olliver ficar nua in January's Sexy Brazil (cearaemrede.com.br, Portuguese. English translation.)
Here's the pictures (adultsmagazines.blogspot.co.uk).

Vida Guerra's chichis raised Maui! (hotcelebuzz.com).
Catch snaps & stories for next month’s picks daily in latest picks.
Have a story for Pick of the Month?
If we are in touch I’d be very grateful if you’d send it along.
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