Pick of the week
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Here's my pick of last weeks best quirky stories and pictures.
Disclaimer: Any comments made are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and were wrote by that very dapper monkey shopping at Ikea anyway.
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This weeks stories & pics

Anne Hathaway gave a no-knickers wardrobe malfunction at the Les Miserables premiere! (thesuperficial.com).
Larger shots of that pantyless pussy flash:
Anne had quite a lot to say about it after:
"It was devastating. They saw everything. I might as well have lifted up my skirt for them."
Yes, yes that would have been good, Anne.

Miley Cyrus showed a lot of boobage at the "Christmas Creampies" concert (thesuperficial.com).
"Christmas Creampies?" You gotta be putting me on the'd call it that.
Here's that Miley boobage in HQ (hawtcelebs.com).
Related story:

Lindsay Lohan could go back to jail after court ruling (bbc.co.uk) …
Lindsay Lohan's possessions including designer clothes and "potentially embarrassing items" set to be auctioned off (dailymail.co.uk).
"The troubled star has fallen behind on monthly payments to a storage company, and now owes around $16,000, which could lead to items inside her locker—including designer clothes, family heirlooms and 'potentially embarrassing' articles— being sold."
It's got to be that long-overdue sex tape. Or a 2 foot long dildo. Preferably the former featuring the latter!

Here's Lindsay at the "Organice" Your Life Holiday Party in New York, err … "Promoting healthy and organic living" (hawtcelebs.com)
Related stories:

Sarah Hyland was giving for America in Pasadena (hawtcelebs.com).

Kristen Stewart made another see-thru choice for On The Road premiere (hawtcelebs.com).
I think we will all agree we preferred the other see-thru outfit ….
Related story:

Ke$ha continued to jingle balls, this time in Tampa (hawtcelebs.com).
Related story:

Kim Kardashian showed a muffin-top (dailymail.co.uk).
Perhaps Kanye was going for a cake decorating wardrobe theme with Kim here. You wait till you see her sticky buns!
Here's the pics (hotcelebshome.com).

But these shots for lingerie Factice magazine were either before the muffin spilled over or else it was given a squash at the top (egotastic.com).
Related story:
.:: Top column 2 ::.

Rihanna tweeted snaps posed for photographer pal without her pants (huffingtonpost.co.uk).
Here's the pics: 1 | 2 (hotcelebshome.com).
Related story:

Caroline Wozniacki made a grand slam with a big butt and boob Serena Williams impression (uk.eurosport.yahoo.com).

Lady Gaga got bare, not mad for Max (hawtcelebs.com).

Candice Swanepoel gave some splendiferous bikini candids in St. Barts (hotcelebshome.com).
Pic 77. ♥

Madonna looks 30 years younger as she is unveiled as a waxwork at Madame Tussauds (dailymail.co.uk).
There's a hint regarding wardrobe in there somewhere Madge, I'm sure.
Related story:
Arts, tech. & funnies

The Guardian's Jonathan Jones asked "Why does talented Beyoncé bow to the talentless art world?" (guardian.co.uk).
"[Stars of stage, screen and recording studio] clearly have 'talent'. But here they are bowing before the art world, the one area of contemporary culture that is so sophisticated it has dispensed with the very idea of talent."
Well, what an odd thing for an art critic to say. I'm sure I must be missing the context here; can Jonathan really seriously consider the whole of the art world talentless?
If so, as a critic, what are we to make of the praise he has given in the past to many contemporary artists—surely he's not been selling us snake oil too? Perhaps he was just "fooled" too.
Related stories:

Man jailed for two years for vandalising £5m Rothko at Tate Modern for "yellowism" (guardian.co.uk).
I think he stands alone with the Yellowism manifesto, but he will have walls and walls for canvas now.
Recent/related stories:

UK Govenment rejects automatic net porn filter (news.uk.msn.com).
"Under the proposals by campaigners seeking tighter controls on internet porn, customers would have had to contact their ISP if they wanted the filter switched off."
A bit like you do with those 3G Dongles. I'm sure those companies have heard every excuse as to exactly why someone needs the filter turned off. "There's two bald chaps bowing and it thinks it's breasts and I can't see it, and I really need to because ….
"A headline in the same newspaper earlier this week trumpeted a study allegedly showing that online porn 'can make you lose your memory.'"
That must be why I link to its entertainment section so much with all its "Dissssgusting! She's got her tits out!" headlines above the pictures. I forget the danger!
Conservative Member of Parliament Claire Perry, who was pushing the proposal that was rejected, will now take charge of making sure the system gets implemented, and will be holding an "erect your morals" committee coffee morning meet at her home every Wednesday.

Dapper monkey found abandoned in Ikea store in Toronto (metro.co.uk).
I have sooOoo got to get our PG Tips monkey one of them coats for Christmas!
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