Pick of the week
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Here's my pick of last weeks best quirky stories and pictures.
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally
without foundation, and likely used to sell "Pussy-high Miniskirts" on several Engrish sites that harvest my content.

• Miley Cyrus nearly bared a boob in public dash (egotastic.com), and here in HQ (hotcelebshome.com).
After a partial nipple-slip less than a fortnight ago it would have been entirely felicitous for one of her puppies to have popped out, but no, just another nearly. Shame on you, Miley!
• Nicole Kidman peed on Zac Efron's jellyfish sting (news.uk.msn.com).
"Pee-scene aside, the response [to the film] hasn't been positive." That's because you don't see her flaming beaver doing the spraying. Should have had a close up and reclassified it as an angsty art film.
• Rihanna gave some costume hotness at the American Idol season grand finale (hotcelebshome.com).
And some nice tongue action in pics #8 and #13. I like!
• "Pussy-high Miniskirt" the newest craze in China (weirdasianews.com).
A random search on Google for anything porn interesting clearly shows that Engrish is the language of the Internet.
• Hey, Turner painted naked chicks too! (telegraph.co.uk).
• Kelly Brook squeezes into black swimsuit for phone booth photoshoot (dailymail.co.uk). And here in HQ (hotcelebshome.com).
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